Monday, January 4, 2010

I love New Year's resolutions.

(this is consistent with everything in my personality. love to make lists. love to idealize my life. love to plan.)

Unfortunately for all of you, I will not be disclosing my personal resolutions this year on this blog. Just cause.

But let me tell you, they are life-changing resolutions.

2010. Big year.*

2010 started out pretty inauspiciously, with Champagne and Orangettes (per the plan). So far it has continued on in a similar manner. Snow, Sherlock, Sleep, Knitting, 30 Rock, more Orangettes (which sadly didn't make it into work today. because they are gone, because they were delicious).

2010 can't help it. It will be a good year.

*and a big year needs big-time shoes, right? mmmmsopretty.

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DeMo said...
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