Monday, June 30, 2008

The cool whites of summer

As the summer continues to wash our city in waves of heat and humidity, my liquids have to be icy cold and soup sounds awful, I have the urge to make my apartment more heat-friendly. I still stubbornly refuse to put an air conditioner in my window (although I escape to my boyfriend's for a brief reprieve on those evenings when the heat hangs low over the city long after the sun sets).

These are the days when my rooms feel too full of heat-conducting objects and rugs seem to trap the heat and release it in the night. All I want is pure, icy whites surrounding me. A quick survey of a few of my fav shops resulted in the following objects that may soon be cooling off my hot little bedroom:

A long-coveted pinapple from Well Dressed Home.Something from the sea:

Something else from the sea:

Perfect for the shelf below my earrings:

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